The Align and Inspire Podcast

16 - The Secret to Putting Yourself Out There (Even if You’re Afraid of Rejection)

Lauren Monique Season 1 Episode 16

Want to help more people with an online program… but the fear of rejection is keeping you stuck?

In this episode of Align and Inspire, I’ll share three powerful strategies to help you overcome the fear of rejection that may be holding you back- strategies I wish I had known of when I was terrified of launching my first membership 6 years ago!

You’ll learn…

  1. How to use “scaffolded practice” to take the power of your fear away
  2. How to reframe your fear of rejection to a more powerful belief
  3. How to address the root of your fear so you can put yourself out there

I’d love to hear your takeaways. Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know! And if you found value in this episode, share it with a friend who could be facing the same fears. 

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